Sunday, May 16, 2021

Lessons from my children #1

 I am going to keep track of lessons I learn from my children. There are so many and frankly I hope that I won't make the same mistakes again or won't need to be taught these same lessons again.

So last week it was a normal day! It started with Eden not wanting to go to kindergarten because he was feeling tired. I let him stay in bed until he was ready to get up and go to kindergarten. I walked with him and enjoyed talking to him on our way to kindergarten.

In the evening things took a different direction. There were a lot of crying and whining and tantrums involved. I felt horrible and discouraged. I felt like a bad mom and that I was failing my children.

We all went to bed. My husband and I prayed as we do every night. I fell asleep with my eyes wet with tears. 

In the morning I felt much better. I decided to try do things differently. Spend more time with my son, be more playful and fun. Needless to say, that the day turned out amazing and with no tantrums.

I realized that we as parents have power to change our attitude towards every situation and as a result change the situation. 

So, who is to blame about the bad day? I am the parent, the adult. I know what triggers my kids and I should try harder to help them. Be their safe place when they are having big emotions. It is not easy for me to try and be fun because most of the time their behavior affects my mood, and I am not usually willing to still be happy and fun. I am willing to put in the work rather than have the situation get worse for all of us to have a horrible day. God is our constant companion in parenting. He is the best parent. He strengthens and guides me to understand my children better and to be the best mom I can be.

Positive parenting is not easy, but it is so worth it!

Farewell until the next lesson!

Pictures of the precious boy whom I call mine!

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