Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

As the New Year approaches, in our family (the adults) start to think about New Year's Resolutions. On the New Years Eve, my husband and I sit down and review our goals for the present year and write our goals for the New Year. Of course we haven't kept all of our old goals, but we are hopeful and determined that we will do better the next year. Here is a quote from Elder Joe Christensen from the Seventy regarding the importance of having goals despite of past performance, "We must not overlook the power that making good resolutions can have in helping make our lives happier and more successful- regardless of our past performance."

This is the guideline we follow to set our goals:
In Luke 2:52 we read, Jesus increased in wisdom and statue, and in favor with God and man.
We set one big goal or three small ones in the following areas based on this scripture:
Wisdom= Intellectually (example "Get a GPA of 3.7 in school" or "Read five books outside of school books")
Statue= Physically (example "Exercise three times a week" or "Lose five pounds")
Favor with God= Spiritually (example "Personal scripture study for 30 minutes daily" or " Attend the Temple every month" or "Do something for someone else daily")
Favor with man= Socially (example "Go on a date every week" or "Make three new friends")
 Thomas S. Monson has said about setting goals "When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates"

Remember to set SMART goals:
S--> Specific
M--> Measurable
A--> Achievable
R--> Result driven
T--> Time specific

Happy New Year and may all your wishes come true!!

What do you think about New Year's Resolutions? How do you set goals? Have they worked for you? Share your comments with me!!


  1. Juli faleminderit shume per kete post ...I am taking note from it!

  2. Thanks for reading Alma! Please keep reading my posts!
