Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What I love about being stay-at-home-mom

Before I had Perla, I wasn't thinking to be a stay-at-home-mom. Somehow, I thought I could manage doing both full-time work and full-time mom. I knew I would sacrifice a little bit, but I thought it would be worth it so I could get some work experience. When Perla came, and she stole my heart, I realized that she needed me. She needed me to be there with her all the time. Not only that, but I realized that I wanted to be there with her more than anything else in the world. I love spending time with my little baby. When people would say "She has grown so fast", sometimes I would answer, "I think she has grown normally, and I have been there with her every moment to assist her growth". It has been a blessing! I am so grateful I haven't had to work all this time. I miss my newborn baby, but I have enjoyed every stage she has been in. I have been the first one to notice her milestones, I have been there for every cry, for every diaper, for the first smile, for the first roll-over, and for the first teeth.(Don't get me wrong, I have left my baby when I was going to school or when I went to the store, but you get what I am talking about)

I love being able to serve my husbands as well. He loves seeing me and the baby waiting for him when he gets home, a clean apartment (not all the time, but most of the time), and a warm dinner on the table. This is one of my biggest satisfactions. I love when he compliments my food, or he tells me that he is so happy to be home. Because I am home, I have time to take care of everything else in the home before he comes, so that when he comes home from school and work he can relax and enjoy time with us.

I love having time to dedicate to my passions. Even though a baby keeps me pretty busy, I make time to do things I enjoy doing. Right now I am dedicating time to this blog, I am learning Spanish, I am studying about herbal remedies, and I am making time to work out every day(at least 30min). The list of things I want to learn and do is long, but for right now, I can't focus on more.

I know that this is what God wants me to do right now and I know that being a full-time mom and a full-time wife is my most important role and duty. Elder Chrsitofferson, in the talk "The moral force of women" has said, "There is no superior career, and no amount of money, authority, or public acclaim can exceed the ultimate rewards of family. Whatever else a woman may accomplish, her moral influence is no more optimally employed than here."
Lastly, the joy I feel every day, can never compare to any kind of satisfaction I could feel outside of the home. My family is my greatest joy, and serving them gives me a profound joy and closer relationship to them.


What do you stay-at-home moms enjoy the most about your role?


  1. I agree with everything you have said. I've done the same myself and serving as a grandmother is the best payoff ever.
    Love, Sister Ahlborn

  2. Sister Ahlborn, thanks for your support! Perla is so excited to have her American Grandma come back from her mission. Alma, it makes me so happy that you read my blog. Thanks for your support!

  3. I love to know that I can have such an influence on my children! I feel so blessed to not have to work right now and know that my kids get my full time and attention. xo

  4. That is wonderful Liz! I think the same way! I love it with all the beautiful and crazy times it comes! Your kids are beautiful by the way! I love your old cute girl and the chubby twins! So cute!
