Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Home sweet home

I have been away from my blog for a couple of weeks. I think I have a good reason though. We have been busy moving to a new apartment and a new city. We moved out from our dear Wymount Terrace. It was kind of bitter sweet. We had our first apartment there as a newly married couple and it was Perla's first apartment. We lived there for about 2 1/2 years.
Honestly, I hate moving. I was glad that this time my husband was home to help packing and unpacking. We started packing slowly on Monday and we moved out on Saturday.
It took us about three days to put everything to its own place. My husband can't stand having boxes around, but I needed to have some time to figure out where everything should go. So, he unpacked and I put everything where I wanted it to be. We have been in church for two Sundays now, and we have really enjoyed being here. I went to a Relief Society activity, and the president told me that my husband had spoken to her and told her to invite me to every activity possible and to involve me in as many things possible. Well, this was nice of him. Honestly, I feel a little lonely in our new apartment. I don't know anyone, and I miss a lot of my friends from Wymount. I hope some of them will read this post because I want to say them I MISS YOU GUYS. You know who you are!! Anyway, I will start writing more often now that we are settled. Below are some pictures of our new apartment. It's simply furnished and has a lot of room compared to Wymount. Oh I forgot, you will see how big our living room is, well baby Perla loves to come around and around the house. She's got a lot of room to practice her walking skills. :-)

 Perla's room and Perla with crazy hair.

Perla's closet and her 20 or 30 dresses.

Living room after I have put everything in order. AND...

Living room after Perla wakes up!!!!

Have a great week friends!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! Whoever you are! Is this Tram? I know my friend Tram calls me Julita! :-)
