Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Breakfast and dinner with the Hoxha's

If you were visiting our family today, this is what you would have had for breakfast and dinner. (For lunch we had leftovers from yesterday ;-))

Baked Spinach and Eggs
This breakfast was full of nutrients and protein, and kept us full for a long time. We also had some toast, olives and homemade yogurt (I will have to post the recipe for the homemade yogurt someday). It was way good and easy to make.
This recipe requires only three ingredients. You can find the recipe here. I changed the recipe a little bit. Instead of using straight spinach, I sauteed it with onions and garlic before baking it with the eggs. This way the spinach had more flavor.

Wisconsin cauliflower soup
Don't get fooled by the name, this recipe is very easy and delicious. This will be a good way to incorporate cauliflower in your meal. Perla loved this soup. Click here for the recipe.

30 minute Homemade dinner rolls
I love homemade bread but I rarely make it because it takes a lot of time and I have never gotten it right. However, this recipe takes only 30 minutes and you can have delicious, warm dinner rolls to go with your meal. Click here to get the recipe.

Homemade strawberry jam
I had bought some strawberries for really cheap and wanted to make strawberry jam for more than a week, but was feeling kind of lazy and I procrastinated until today. But I finally made it. Something I love about homemade jam is that I know what is inside. Almost all store jams have corn syrup, and other ingredients I have never heard about. This recipe has only three ingredients, strawberries, sugar, and lemon. Click here for the recipe.

Well, I hope you would have enjoyed having dinner with the Hoxha's. Thanks for stopping by! Let me know what you think of our food.



  1. You are becoming such a great homemaker Juli!! We are proud to say we know you. Love, Dorothy & Ernie

    1. Thank you so much! I have had a great teacher, to teach me that everything homemade is better. :-) We love you too, so so much!
