Wednesday, April 16, 2014


First of all, I have two confessions/ realizations to make.
Last Saturday, we really needed to go grocery shopping but we got caught up with some other things, and by the time it was lunch time we realized that it was too late to go grocery shopping. So, I recommended that we eat a can of chili beans and a can of soup. We hadn't had canned food in a long long long time. I have always made everything from scratch at home. We both knew we wouldn't like it but we decided to eat it anyway for one time. After lunch we both started feeling sick. The food felt really heavy in our stomach and we felt like throwing up.
Second experience was last week again. I was feeling so bloated and I felt that my stomach felt a lot bigger, and I had gained a couple of pounds. So, I decided to take a break of a week from sugar. I don't eat sugar every day, but I find myself eating sugar a couple of times a week. For example last week after I had decided to give up sugar for one week, I went to a baby shower and they had sweets that I would have eaten if I hadn't taken this commitment. Yesterday was the last day, and today I could start eating sugar. Not only my stomach had gone back to normality, and the scale too, but I didn't feel that urge to dig in sugar, like I normally do. I honestly feel that I beat and addiction for at least one week. And I feel great!

NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT PART... Check out these pictures...

Instant oatmeal


Granola bars and crackers

Chips and microwave popcorn

Condiments like ketchup, dressings, mayonnaise etc

Chips, Ramen noddles, energy drinks, juices etc

These are all isles from grocery stores here in US. All of these items contain white sugar in them. The reason why this is bad will be explained in the video below. Please make smart food choices for yourself and your family. I am glad to say that our cart usually get filled with a lot of fruits and veggies, eggs, milk, cheese, nuts, chicken, beans, rice. I may have forgotten to list a couple more items but these are the biggest one. Actually, I want to stop buying tomato sauce because it contains sugar as well. Not only is fresh tomato sauce better but it is also cheaper. I find one pound of tomatoes between 50-70 cents/pound and one can of tomato sauce is the cheapest $1. There is no doubt that in the long term fresh and homemade everything is cheaper, better, and healthier for us.



Stay healthy!


  1. Hey there! I just wanted to say that white sugar is not always the culprit. Even when you make homemade pasta sauce, you usually put white table sugar in it. Corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup are worse, only because they are more processed. I am not saying that sugar is good for you, but a bit in moderation is ok. Good luck on your quest for a healthier lifestyle! I'm currently doing the same thing :)

    1. Hey Melissa, so good to hear from you and thank you for stopping by. I do believe that white sugar is not bad. I totally have it in my tea every day! So I would be a hypocrite to say that it is bad. My concern is the sugar in all processed food like canned food, snacks etc. I think that they use corn syrup and other artificial sweeteners in everything. However, I believe in the studies that were shown in the video regarding our brain reaction to sugar. From personal experience, I know that sugar can be addictive. I agree with you that it needs to be used in moderation. Good luck to you as well in your quest for a healthier lifestyle! :)
