Monday, January 13, 2014

"In the morning the sun will rise" FHE Lesson and dessert recipe

It is again Monday! I am scheduled to give the message for our Family Home Evening tonight. I read the article from Pres. Dieter Uchtdorf in the January Ensign "The best time to plant a tree" and it was beautiful. As we made goals for this New Year, we should know that those goals will help us grow and progress. Some may have already broken one or two resolutions, but that is ok. As long as we keep going, and trying, and never giving up, we are still growing and progressing. The beauty of Monday morning is that it is a new day and a new week. We can always start fresh, not only in the beginning of a new year, or a new week or a new day, but any moment. In the message, Pres. Uchtdorf said "With every new day, a new dawn comes--not only for the earth but also for us. And with a new day comes a new start--a chance to begin again.
In closing, I fully agree with this proverb, "The best day to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second-best time is now".

Now, the treats I am making tonight for our FHE are very simple and cheap. We tried a couple last night and we really loved them. So here you go.

Apple Pie Tacos

Click here to get the recipe.

I hope you all have a great week!



  1. I have never heard the saying about the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago...I love it! Thanks so much for sharing it :) And those apple tacos look delicious!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Clarissa! I am glad you liked them!
